It’s true – VMedia continues to be one of Canada’s most exciting and progressive Multimedia Companies and continue their massive expansion journey across the provinces including Alberta and the Medicine Hat area offering the best High Speed Internet, IPTV, phone and introducing their brand new wireless monitored Home Security System called VMedia Protect – all at really low prices with the friendliest customer care and putting our customers first – always!
Situated in central Alberta Medicine Hat is a friendly and welcoming city in an area steeped in History and culture – including its landmark Saamis Teepee celebrating the area’s long association with Canada’s First Nation communities – and a progressive Industrial, manufacturing and commercial hub with the local economy supported by the oil, gas clay and pottery industries and many retail units with a dedicated community development ethos attracting many new businesses to the area and interesting activities to do with a great arts and cultural scene to explore and enjoy like The Esplanade and including the many parks and trails like the Police Point Park, Kin Coulee Park, the beautiful Stratthcona Park and it’s amazing wildlife and so much more!
Medicine Hat welcome the services VMedia offer and see huge reductions in their monthly bills due to the variety of low prices always on offer making us the popular choice across Canada today!
The Internet is a wonderful addition to our lives and brings us instant access and connection to endless information, education, entertainment and communication all over Canada and to every corner of the globe making it a vital part of our day at home, work or play. VMedia continues to be a highly popular ISP provider in Canada with our dependable expertise invested in it’s ongoing success in many provinces. We continue to develop and improve our network and home internet with our Technical Teams working so hard to keep everyone connected every day offering super Internet deals with no limits, no contracts and no small print! Currently in Alberta we offer Cable, DSL or FTTN options and our Sales Team can advise what Plan suits your location and then match it with the cheapest and best price for you!
Our Technical Support Team are available seven days a week keeping all our happy customers connected – that’s awesome customer care – only from VMedia!
Click here for all Internet plans and prices.
Home Security – VMedia Protect
VMedia is delighted to offer people in the Medicine Hat area our new wireless monitored Home Security System called VMEDIA PROTECT. This will offer complete home protection and 24/7 professional monitoring giving peace of mind when away from home. In this age of increased urban and rural burglaries having a quality home security system is a must. VMedia will provide a total and comprehensive security solution for your home, apartment or condo in Medicine Hat and after installation your property will be monitored by our 5 diamond and ULC certified (the highest in the industry) Central Monitoring Station. We promise to protect what matters today – your home and possessions – so if your alarm is triggered a signal is instantly sent over the internet or cellular connection to our Monitoring Station where our highly trained team will inform you and the local police. VMedia Protect also includes a free app so you can remotely arm or disarm your system from your phone and also receive alerts from us anytime, anywhere. VMedia Protect also comes with a no contracts and a full 30 day money back guarantee!
The Security Hub is the main control panel for your security system and is easy to install. It only requires a home internet connection as all the door and window sensors and PIR sensor (that is pet friendly!) connect wirelessly to the Hub (no drilling holes!). Just plug in the Security Hub, stick up the sensors where you wish within your property and then call us to activate your new system – easy as that!
When you purchase our VMedia Kit it will be delivered to your home immediately and will contain all the essential components to keep your property protected from unwanted intruders. The Kit contains the Security Hub (main control panel) x 1, door/window sensors x 2, PIR motion sensor x 1, Monitoring certificate x 1 and window decals x 4. Extra sensors and accessories can also be purchased and added to the system at any time during the service.
Cost of VMedia PROTECT KIT is $229.95.
To complete your home protection VMedia offer the most professional 24/7 monitoring service 365 days a year from our Monitoring Station and offer 2 great plans called PROTECT and PROTECT PLUS at really affordable prices.
PROTECT offers you 24/7 professional monitoring 365 days a year. In this plan, the system communicates to the Monitoring station over home internet connection avoiding the use of old landline technology. It comes with system alert or notifications via text, email and push notifications. The free mobile application lets you remotely arm/disarm your Security Hub and track any activity.
PROTECT costs only $12.95/month.
PROTECT PLUS also guarantees 24/7 professional monitoring 365 days a year and has the extra dual communication over the internet and cellular sending email, text and push notifications from our Monitoring Centre, also we can remotely arm/disarm your Security Hub if required.
PROTECT PLUS costs only $16.95/month.
Trust VMedia to protect your home!
VMedia offer a really new exclusive service to compliment your home security and save you money – it’s called PRIVATE SECURITY RESPONSE where in the event that your home alarm is triggered VMedia will dispatch a member of their Private Home Security Response Team who will then assess your property for any signs of a break-in or burglary and if one is identified they will notify you and the local police immediately. This great service avoids costly false alarm call out charges that could be as high as $75-$250 depending on your location.
PRIVATE SECURITY RESPONSE costs only $4.95/month.
All properties are different in size, area and space so it may be necessary to add some more sensors, window decals and other items to make sure all areas of your house is fully protected. Key fobs, LTE expansion upgrades and a Pin Pad is also available and can be placed at entry points used to arm/disarm your security system by entering your own unique and private code – call our Sales Team to discuss anything about VMedia Protect or to order any extra items from us.
Only the best – from VMedia Protect!
Click here for all VMedia Protect prices.
The team at VMedia are focused on delivering the best home entertainment and communication as we offer exciting new ways of watching Television and so much more every day. IPTV is TV of the future in Canada and all over the world as we use the internet instead of the traditional Satellite and Cable TV bringing and bringing a seemingly endless variety of TV entertainment and communication at unbelievably low prices that have made VMedia so popular as an IPTV provider since 2013 across Canada including Alberta and now in the Medicine Hat area.
VMedia stream it’s IPTV via the internet through an IPTV box called The VBox instantly allowing all the best Canadian, US and International channels and shows, news, sport, kids, films, games and a lot more to enjoy. The VBox includes a browser for easy browsing of The Web, Facebook, Twitter, Skype, YouTube, Netflix, Plex, XBMC and 100’s of apps for all ages and interests
VCloud and PVR are among the functions of the VBox allowing recording and a seven day “scroll back“ option so you never miss your favourite programmes and PVR pause, rewind, stop or fast-forward recorded programmes, adding even more flexibility and enjoyment – only from VMedia of course!
VMedia are famous across Canada for their range of Packages and Theme offering the ultimate viewing experiences at low prices always. We offer our new customers in Medicine Hat great choices including our lowest priced Package called The Skinny – offering 23 channels for only $24.95/month, The Basic – offering 35 channels for only $35.95/month and The Premium Basic – offering a massive 57 channels for an amazing $49.95/month!
Theme Packs from VMedia also deliver the best entertainment in Canada for all ages including Family Pack, Kids Pack, Hollywood Suite, SuperNews, Sports Man, Sports Fan, International, Style, and many more!
Choose your own personal viewing with VMedia’s UChoose and pick any channel from over 160 standalones to watch what you want from prices as low as only $2.95 per channel!
Click here for all available channels, Packages and Theme Packs.
Home Entertainment at it’s very best – from VMedia!
Phones give instant connection with loved ones at home or abroad and the phone is one of the most important inventions of modern times. In Canada VMedia are among one of the top Phone providers to emerge in recent years offering a reliable network with low – cost Phone plans, no contracts and seriously low call rates to keep everyone talking for longer!
VMedia has invested millions of dollars to improve and upgrade the network and we are expanding to other provinces including Alberta as part of our journey across Canada going forward in 2018 and beyond.
VMedia offer great Plans:
With Home Phone you get low monthly bills, no contracts, 16 Phone Features and the first month free.
With Unlimited Canada and USA, you get unlimited calls all over Canada and USA, and reduced calls elsewhere for only $19.95/month.
With Unlimited World you get unlimited calling to over 60 countries worldwide and reduced calls elsewhere for only $26.95/month.
Click here to check out all our Phone Plans, Phone features and all prices.
Exciting times for our customers in Medicine Hat and the surrounding communities as VMedia continue to offer the best and cheapest Internet, IPTV and phone services and introducing our new wireless monitored home Security System called VMedia Protect offering complete safety and protection from the company who care – VMedia!
Call our Sales Team today at 1-844-872-8269 fore more information or visit www.vmedia.ca and see all current deals, bundles, special offers and all our famously low prices!
VMedia – the best for less!