Ce que les gens disent


Abonnee depuis quelques semaines et satisfaite donc si ca peut vous aidez a prendre une decision :-)
Suzanne Danis, VMedia Facebook
28 octobre, 2017

Tres satisfait des services, le service tele est bon avec une belle image et Internet illimite la vitesse que je veux je recommande, tres facile et pas cher en plus
Vincent Grimard, VMedia Facebook
30 octobre, 2017

Je me suis inscris depuis 1 mois, et la vitesse es dans les 50mb/10mb upload et j'ai payer 40$ tax inc avec activation gratuit et ligne seche inclut et le pouvoir d'utiliser mon propre modem (pogner shr kijiji pour 40$). Je ne vois aucun compagnie offrir de meme jusqua date.
Calvin Le, VMedia Facebook
1 novembre, 2017

Je suis au Canada et j’ai VMedia. Je l’adore ! L’internet est rapide. TV est fantastique et à un prix raisonnable pour ce que vous obtenez... Je ne peux pas honnêtement penser à une plainte.
M.Godin, Facebook
14 février 2017

Tout est génial, mais selon mon expérience, votre service aimable et efficace fait la différence entre VMedia et tous les autres.
Mike McCleland, Facebook
26 décembre 2016

Merci VMedia. Votre service est génial. Ma femme et moi l’aimons
R. Kennedy, Facebook
8 décembre 2016

Bravo à VMedia, j’espère que vous apportez une révolution à ce monopole des grandes entreprises.
E. Mu, Facebook
4 novembre 2016

Depuis une année que je suis un client satisfait qui vient juste de haussé sa vitesse commençant le 1 Nov. Continuez votre bon travail !
D. Fleming, Facebook
13, 2016

TV... picture quality is very very very good. I see no difference from Rogers. Read more.
macintosh doctor
May 27, 2015

Whole new experience VBox brings to TV viewing is amazing. YouTube, surfing, email, radio, Netflix, tons of other apps you can download
macintosh doctor
May 27, 2015

Appreciate your efforts! I know you’re a small group and are literally breaking new ground...
Rash, VMedia Forum
May 27, 2015

VMedia Saved Me! About $60/month... Thank you for giving us an option! Read more.
tnl4ever, DSL Reports
May 27, 2015

Re: VMedia Sales Kiosks in Canada Computers Stores
Awesome news George Burger! This is extremely helpful for potential buyers like me who's not really comfortable with getting things done online and prefer the more traditional P2P method. I'll definitely check out the Kiosks once they are ready, can't wait to switch out of Rogers...
June 24, 2013

Finally UChoose preview! Looks like I'm switching to VMedia TV! Basic + a few channels for wife and kids. 30$ per month for cable sounds good. Hope the UChoose options will expand in the future and 7$ for leafstv seems a bit steep but all around much better than the comp. will slash my tv bill by 2/3. Thanks George! VMedia and George really listen to the people keep up the good work and let's have some more choice in this country.
June 21, 2013

We (Danforth/East York area) just switched from Rogers and had almost no issues at all. Plug in the new modem, get the new router going, and boot up the Vbox (which takes a while, but we just leave it on). Picture quality is good, the price is right, and the customer service has been excellent. Only issue is we've been having some Netflix hiccups, but we're on wireless so might have to change that over. XBMC is great, just have to make sure to exit out of it. Only feature request I have would be something to control it from an Android device, save having to use a remote control + wireless mouse (for netflix). Still, highly recommend.
Exilelol, RedFlagDeals
June 17, 2013

I am a VMedia customer and I just want to say Thank You. I run a creative/tech agency (www.barkcommunications.com) and get asked all the time who I recommend for internet. I have passed your name on to quite a few people already and will continue to do so. I used to say TekSavvy; now I say VMedia. Keep up the great work.
Ray Majoran, CEO
Bark Communications
May 29, 2013

Vmedia services started yesterday may 5th. Signed up for basic TV and 45/4. TV works like a charm, easy setup right out of the box. Not sure of speed yet as I didn't have time to play around. Switched from rogers, I now have no services with rogers or bell... freedom. So far so good, thanks George.
DSL Reports
May 5, 2013

Tech support was great. He figured it might be a faulty power cord, which it was, and within 24hrs, we had a new modem shipped to us. Everything is now working good.
Galad, RedFlagDeals
May 1, 2013

Hey all. I just test drove vmedia iptv and i can say it is very comparable to bell fibetv. The vmedia box is actually a joy to use. much better STB then your standard one we have available now that is for sure. As for performance there was a small 1 second stutter i noticed when i was watching a show. But i think if i have qos turned on in the router that should alleviate things. Anyways the product works as advertised and the stb is better then they say it is believe it or not. Thumbs up to vmedia!
April 14, 2013